Bring your required identification documents. You must renew your license at a drivers license office and should make an appointment. Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15. If you are eligible to renew by mail, you will receive in the mail approximately 45 days before your birthday a renewal application. Stolen License - no fee if a police report is provided - $15 with no police report.Replacement License - $25 (Lost License).Deliquent License Renewal - $63 ($48 renewal fee + $15 deliquency fee for Class E License).Drivers License Renewal - $48 (Class E License - standard non commerical drivers license).The easiest way for Florida Residents that are United States citizens to renew a Florida driver's license is online with GoRenew. Drivers License Renewal Florida Drivers How to Renew Your Florida Drivers License