
Disable custom traits npc sims 4
Disable custom traits npc sims 4

  • The mod will check which skills your Sims have and exclude those they don’t have.
  • SkillDecay_HighLevel includes ALL not-kid-specific game skills from ALL packs.
  • It is recommended to redownload the mod even if you don’t play with the university pack.
  • To fix this, I now make the decays resume only when traveling/ reloading the household or save files after maximizing the skills.
  • Updated addon_SkillDecayDelay to fix an issue that Sims get non-stop max skill notifications when studying university classes.
  • ** Remove any packs you don’t own in chingyu_addon_SkillDecayDelay!!! Changelog Nov 27, 2022: You CAN choose to install what serves your gameplay style.
  • EA’s game skills are divided into HighLevel_Adult/LowLevel_Adult/Child/Toddler skills.
  • disable custom traits npc sims 4

    You need to have an XML injector for this mod to work!.

    disable custom traits npc sims 4 disable custom traits npc sims 4

    This won’t affect Unplayed households and NPC Sims so your townies can keep their skills.

    Disable custom traits npc sims 4